Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I've never ever ever considered myself a crafty person. You'd think, "you're a graphic designer, you should be able to do crafty stuff." No, no, i cannot do crafty stuff. I can't cut a straight line with scissors. I have a horrible handwriting. I like to paint and draw, but not crafty stuff. Can't do cute hearts or fun squibblies or anything like that...my kids are going to hate me. Scrapbooking is completely out of the question. 

But, this year for Christmas, I wanted to do something semi-crafty and homemade for cutsie little gifts for folks. I wanted to make ornaments out of clay. I wanted to make stars. Ha! The stars did not work. So, I thought...what is the easiest shape to make out of clay that Ruth can't screw up. A ball...sphere, if you will. So, I started rolling...and baking...and painting. And I ended up with these. 
I thought they ended up pretty cute and I was proud of myself for doing something somewhat crafty. If you're a guy reading this, I apologize for the über girly post. You'll be okay. 


  1. Those are SO cute, Ruth! Wow. I am impressed!

  2. as one who IS a crafty person, i deem these ornaments to be CUTE. and i'm a crafty person. so what i say goes.

  3. I want you to show me how you made those.


I like your comments.
Mom, keep it clean.
Have a fabtastic day!