Friday, November 21, 2008


Why does my neighbor down the road, who has no business being shirtless, stand in his driveway, shirtless, and just watch the cars going by at the same time every day? It's 49 degrees out and put on a shirt! 

Why do people not use their blinkers? I mean...that's what they're there for. Use them! 

Why do girls try to look like movie stars? They're robots. They're not real, ladies! It's gross. Eat a sandwich. 

Along with that, why do girls wear clothing that's obviously way too tight? I mean, it's uncomfortable for you, it's comfortable for those of us who have to look at you...why do it? It's like my grandfather always says, "It's two tons of lard in a one-ton sack." 

Why would anybody like winter more than spring? Cold and stupid outside vs. pleasantness and perfection outside. I mean...the choice is obvious. 

Why do people think cats are evil? Just because they eat people alive and pee on visitors' belongings and prowl on your face at night does not mean they're evil. Gracious.

Why do some people not like chocolate? That, is like...I mean, I-I can't even comprehend that...I'm going to cry...moving on. 

Why do people like horror movies? Is it fun to jump a mile out of your seat every 10 minutes for 2 hours and then have nightmares for a week? Is that the cool thing to do? 

Why, why, WHY??!! must men ask "Is it that time of the month?" to a woman who is experiencing that time of the month? I mean, do they want to die? 

Why do I always get behind Pokey McSlow on my way home? I just want to get hoooooome! If you're not going to go the speed limit, stay home or wait until 3 am when you won't bother anybody. 

Why do people love football so much? (Ah, I'm gonna get a lot of flak for that one.) But seriously, it's much too much pretty to stay inside and watch TV. 

Why would you spit out gum right where I'm going to step? Be more considerate of where I walk.

Why would I want to call you "Aunt Miri"? I don't even know you.

Why, oh WHY did they cancel Pushing Daisies?? That was one of the most original and creative and sweet TV shows ever made. Blast you, ABC. 

Why is it not 4:00 pm yet?? 

Seriously though, why do some people not like chocolate? 


  1. winter is much more fun than spring. in that we differ. spring means hot weather is on the way..uugggghhhh. in the winter you can cuddle by the fire, drink hot chocolate, eat chocolate, walk outside and not have a stroke from the heat. i love winter. next to fall, it is the best time of the year.

  2. I have some answers for you:

    Winter is better than spring because the clothes are much better, especially the accessories. It further entails Christmas (including but not limited to trees, decorations, gift wrapping, good content in magazines, and movies) and trips to Gatlinburg with your bffs.

    People like football because it gives them something to rally around with other people that they really believe in. Whether it's your alma mater, your state's school, or you were just raised in a fanatical family, its an overwhelming sense of pride and tradition that is completely unparalleled. And when they make it to a conference title or national championship, you feel like you've won all those games with them because you've stood by them every season, good or bad, for as long as you can remember. Also, being in another state or even country and seeing a random person wearing your colors and giving a "roll tide" or whatever it may be, it's like seeing a family member. You can't even fathom the tradition that is involved with football!! It's so amazing I can't even find the words to describe it. Like when the Championship video plays right before a game, then you hear Bear Bryant's voice boom "I ain't ever been nothin' but a winner," and the band starts to play the fight song, and then the team comes running out...oh my gosh i have chill bumps just thinking about it. It's SO MUCH MORE than sitting inside around a TV.

    It is incomprehensible to me that some people don't like chocolate.

    It is even more incomprehensible to me that some people like horror movies. I still see the alien from "Signs" in the corner of a dark room, and I saw that movie in 2002--and it's not even a horror movie!

    Anyway, that's all I have to say about that.


I like your comments.
Mom, keep it clean.
Have a fabtastic day!