Monday, March 9, 2009

Phoebe Ball

Even though David's birthday was last Tuesday, we celebrated with friends this past Friday evening. We honestly have the best friends in the world. Some are pretty'll see what I mean in the pictures below. We introduced a new game...David's cousin, Brittany, taught it to him and he taught it to me. It is so. stinking. fun. I love it. It's kind of like that whisper telephone game you used to play when you were kid...or still play, but I won't judge. The game doesn't have a name, so I call it Phoebe Ball...that's a Friends reference, for those of you who didn't catch it. You can play with categories or just go with "whatever." I like to pick a movies. And that's what we did...much to David's dismay...he likes the "whatever" category. So, you have a stack of paper adding up to the number of people playing...we had 11. Everybody writes down a have 40 seconds to write or draw each write down a movie, and pass to your left. You receive a stack of cards with a movie title on top and flip that card to the back. You now draw that movie title. 40 seconds is up. Pass to your left. You now receive a drawing of some movie and you try to guess what it is...flip to a blank card, write the movie title and so on. You go all the way around and end up with your original title and you all go through to see what everybody did. Doesn't matter if you can draw or not and there are no winners or losers...thank goodness...cuz, well, you'll see. 

Below, I have included some of my favorite "rounds" from the evening. 

Bridget Jones' Diary: 
Brandi started us off with the movie...

Which Sara drew pretty well. Chubby girl, diary.

Shane got it. 

Which Ben drew very well...including a line from the movie. 

Which David took to mean it was an Asian movie. 

Which Zack illustrated. 

Which I recognized.

Which Malinda also illustrated very well.

Which Erin took to mean a Disney cartoon.

Which Eric had never seen or heard of, so...

Which Tris thought..."Survey Says..."

What does TMNT have to do with The Secret Garden...let's find out. 

David started off with TMNT: Secret of the Ooze. 
Zack got it. 

I immediately recognized that after years of watching it over and over at our cousins' house growing up.

Malinda did a good job of illustrating it, but got the Leonardo's mask color wrong. Poor Malinda.

It threw Erin off. Way off.

But Eric did what he could. 

Tris got it.

Very nice drawing from Brandi. 

Sara just saw the grapes and went with that.

Shane did what he could.

We still don't know where Ben got this from...

How do you get from MASH to My Little, I'll show you. 
Shane started us off with MASH. Ignore the carrot...elongated, pointy strawberry. That's another story.

Ben, God love him....

But, David got it!

Zack portrayed the hospital camp using a simplistic pen and ink approach.

I got it, too! 

Malinda did her best. 

And Erin thought of the best thing she could...I...don't...know where...Camelot comes from, but...hey, Erin's creative and pregnant, so who knows what that does to a person.

Eric drew the ever-dashing German Shepherd Arabian steed that everyone recognizes, featured in the infamous Camelot movie that Erin so dearly loves. 

Tris thought what anyone would have thought...

Brandi took all the girls back to their childhoods in this beautiful sketch...those bangs are sweet.

And Sara finished it up.

What do Clint Eastwood and Kirsten Dunst have in common? 
Zack led us down that road...

How else am I supposed to draw that? 

Malinda didn't have much to work with, but chose to go with something we've all loved and watched.

Erin illustrated it perfectly!

Eric has this movie in his Netflix queue right now. 

Tris got it just totally right.

Like, Brandi got it, too.

Sara's was a more somber and down-trodden Alicia Silverstone. 

But Shane got it...barely (see the scribble). 

Why wouldn't Ben draw the black girl from Clueless? I mean, duh. 

David automatically thought...white girl, black girl...must be cheerleaders cuz of those skirts...

Before I post this next one...I must warn you...take the kids out of the room, turn on all of the lights, stifle any screaming so as not to disturb the neighbors...for what you are about to see will terrify you and haunt you forever. It will shake you to your core and crumble any steadfastness you think you might pecan shortbread cookies, yum...your innermost being will be silenced by the shroud of trepidation and you will live in the shadows of fear for the remainder of your days. So, if you're fine with that, please continue. 

David started us off with.
Starring Antonio Banderas and based on the novel by Michael Crichton, which was based on the Old English story of Beowulf. 

Zack captured the movie very well. Except I don't remember Antonio wearing a Hanes crew cut tee, but whatever.

I thought it was something else...I recognized the person wearing the bear head, but I couldn't think of what it, I went with...

Which Malinda drew very nicely and even let us know what sound a lion makes.

Erin guessed...

Brandi drew the cuddliest lion king ever...

Which Tris recognized as...
But then, something strange happened...the cute, cuddly lions Malinda and Brandi had drawn were suddenly morphed by Eric into an intergalactic MONSTER FROM ANOTHER UNIVERSE, PULLED INTO OUR WORLD BY A TIME VORTEX AND MUTATED INTO A HARBINGER OF DEATH AND DESTRUCTION...SENT TO HAUNT OUR SOULS FOR ALL TIME....

Since Sara couldn't vocalize the horridness she was seeing, she just went with...

And Shane elaborated with...

And Ben finished it up...



  1. I'm a real good drawer

  2. I laughed so hard reliving our fun - so great! We must all get together to play again!

  3. You ARE a good drawer, Eric...and don't let anybody tell you differently! :)

  4. i laughed so hard yesterday in the car thinking of wonton sex goddess. i peed a little. AND we are playing this everytime we get together. period.

    also, so glad that this is here to reference at any time.

  5. I kept giggling all weekend while I thought of Eric's drawings...Erin, can you please write a childrens' book called 4:00 Fairy Tale starring Eric's Lion King, as told by the Black Girl from Clueless and/or the armless Hitler?

  6. i'm still having nightmares about the gremlin/lion.

  7. gremlin/lion/porcupine deathbot from Hell


I like your comments.
Mom, keep it clean.
Have a fabtastic day!