Thursday, August 26, 2010

Dream Job: Billionaire Cake Maker Writer

Jenny says: My dream job would be to have an outrageous amount of money so that I didn't have to have a "job," but could travel around the world giving it away and doing cool things with it and telling people about Jesus. And when I traveled around, I would make cakes for people for free. And write things for them.

Jenny is one of my favorite people. She's a writer/editor at a company I used to work for. That's how we met. And I'm so glad. She's super dry (as in humor, not like as in mummy) and super witty and always makes me laugh. And she says stuff like this, "A good run can make the world seem a better place. On a side note, I'm pretty sure that running shorts are made for people whose thighs don't touch."

She is an amazing cake artist. Not only does her stuff taste delicious, it looks incredible. I'm talking, flipping incredible. And she just does it for "fun."

Last year for Halloween, Jenny and her husband, Stephen, were Jack and Kate from LOST. Another reason I love Jenny.

But before Jenny becomes a Billionaire Cake Maker Writer, we must explore how she becomes a billionaire (aside from the obvious fact that she'll be a best-selling author one day)...there are two scenarios...


GASP! I'm shocked. You people have filthy, filthy minds and I'm embarrassed for you. That was meant to portray Stephen's stainless steel pole empire that he built from ground up...supplying companies with all of their stainless steel needs. Besides, Stephen would never go to such extremes. So, let's just stick with the frog story.

Jenny as a Billionaire Cake Maker Writer...

I know my topographical skills are pretty amazing. I can never remember which way Italy kicks Sicily. It's to the left, right? Also, you might be wondering why Jenny wears clothes sometimes, but not other times. Well, you'd have to ask her. I don't dress her, now do I.

Jenny, I think you would be an awesome Billionaire Cake Maker Writer.

1 comment:

  1. Oh wow. That is amazing! I laughed the whole time! Thanks for taking time to illustrate my future life. It makes me all that more excited about being a billionaire cake maker writer.


I like your comments.
Mom, keep it clean.
Have a fabtastic day!